Corporate Plan

Our purpose

Our purpose is a statement of our vision for the council we wish to be and the relationship we wish to implement with our residents and partners.

Our purpose is to:

  • lead our communities, bringing residents, businesses, community groups and partners together to better understand the opportunities and needs of the borough and individual neighbourhoods
  • bring together and engage all who can make a contribution to supporting local people with their needs and to realise opportunity
  • provide high quality analysis to support open decision-making on strategic and operational priorities
  • be consistent and comprehensive in analysing and evaluating the impact of our collective strategies at addressing need and opportunity to enable us to learn how to improve

To do this well we will:

  • support democratically elected members, as accountable leaders of place, to represent residents and to provide leadership
  • be responsive and flexible to changing circumstances, needs and strengths within the local areas, recognising that what makes a place 'good' can change
  • be accountable to residents as individuals and groups to ensure they are enabled and supported to shape their local area and direct their own lives
  • collaborate, convene, support and commission services to address needs in the most efficient and effective way

What you will see because of this change in purpose is:

  • excellence in understanding our place, through deep and insightful analysis and communication of evidence of need and opportunity
  • open communication and meaningful engagement with local residents, communities and partners and with our elected members and staff
  • a locality-based approach that leverages existing assets and partnerships to drive outcomes and join up services and build community capacity
  • co-creation of relevant services with local residents, communities, and partners, so that funding flows are aligned to residents, communities and partners, and in some cases delegated directly to them can be flexibly deployed to meet need
  • a focus on access to preventative and early intervention services with a focus on supporting residents to help themselves through effective and accessible information

Corporate Plan pages
