Corporate Plan

Our 2024-2029 plan and priorities

Our Corporate Plan 2024-2029 is designed to achieve two policy outcomes, for People and Place and one corporate outcome, as we mobilise our change programme to become an Enabling Council.

Each policy outcome is distilled into a number of strategic objectives which collectively set out the priority actions for the council in the short term.

These strategic objectives draw on currently agreed strategies where these are already in place – for example, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the Brighter Futures Strategy and the Better Care Together Thurrock Strategy – and will be strengthened following the development of the Thurrock Place Strategy when all strategic outcomes and objectives will be aligned to our priorities for Thurrock.

To support our ambition to be a place leader, leading insight into need and opportunity, and building and understanding the evidence of our place we will develop a clear set of objectives and metrics. These will be nuanced to differentiate between the strategic place based measures that are the collective responsibility of the breadth of Thurrock's partners and stakeholders and those that are specifically the responsibility of the council to deliver.

We will develop a suite of measures and milestones for the Corporate Plan, and a baseline position, that will be monitored and reported on so that we are open and honest about our progress.

As articulated in the Collaborative Communities Framework, we are committed to creating a fair, accessible and inclusive borough where everyone has a voice and an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive, and where community-led ambitions are supported and actively encouraged.

In support of this commitment, our equality objectives are set around the themes of engagement, empowerment and equality. These themes are threaded throughout this plan, through the new priorities, the new purpose, the new approach and the new strategic objectives.

Corporate Plan pages
