Charging for non-residential services
Our charging policy covers all adult social care services that we provide. It is based on the government's guidance for social care charging – go to GOV.UK: local authority circulars.
Our policy includes the following:
- personal care and support
- transport
- day care, including all day centres
- home care
- supported living
- extra-care housing
- Direct Payments
All these services are covered, even if part of a Direct Payment.
The policy does not include the following, which will continue to be provided free of charge:
- intermediate care services for up to 6 weeks
- reablement services for up to 6 weeks
- community equipment and minor adaptations
- needs and financial assessments for community care services
- information and advice
- some services for carers
- after-care services when you leave hospital under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act
Your contribution towards charges will be based on what you can reasonably afford to pay, not how many services you receive.
You can download the full policy below.