Housing works programmes

What we'll need you to do

You will be contacted to arrange a meeting at your home before any work begins. During this meeting your resident liaison officer will talk with you about the works needed at your home.

This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the works. You can also let us know if you think may need help or support while works are taking place.

Before works begin

Before work begins inside your home, we ask that you clear your personal items from the rooms where work will take place. Some people find it helpful to set up a kitchen area in their living room so they can have refreshments when they like during working hours.

Please prepare your rooms for works before your start date, as below.


  • clear your cupboards and units as they will be removed on day 1 of works
  • remove kettles and microwave ovens
  • remove any curtains, blinds and personal items you wish to keep
  • if you can, remove your fridge and freezer – we can move these on day 1 if you're unable to move them yourself, and we'll discuss this with you when we meet with you


  • remove all personal items, including shower curtains and rail
  • remove any cabinets, fixtures and fittings that you want to keep

Electrical works:

  • remove any furniture, fixtures and fittings away from any areas that need rewiring – we'll discuss this with you when we meet with you
  • clear cupboards or under-stairs storage spaces that house your 'customer consumer units' (CCU) – for example, your electric fuse board – if they're to be replaced

Window replacement:

  • clear a 1 metre space around your windows so works can be carried out safely
  • remove any curtains, poles, blinds, fixtures and fittings from around your windows

Roof works:

  • clear your personal belongings from all areas around the outside of your home so scaffolding can be erected

During works

We will need access to your home so we can carry out most type of works.

For internal works, we will need up to 4 weeks of continuous access. Our contractors will be as flexible as possible when arranging a start date with you, but they will need continuous access throughout the works.

You should expect an operative at your home before 11am each day unless your resident liaison officer tells you otherwise.

Children and young people

While work is being carried out, children and young people aged 18 or under:

  • must not be left on their own in the property
  • must be supervised by a responsible adult