Challenging a benefit decision

Asking us to reconsider

When we make a decision about your claim for housing benefit or council tax reduction, you have the right to ask us to reconsider our decision

You can do this if either:

  • you think we have made a mistake
  • you have information and evidence that you believe will change our decision

To check who can ask us to reconsider, go to if your think a decision is wrong.

Making your request

You must make your request within 1 month of the date on our decision letter. Your request should include the reasons why you feel our decision is wrong and provide any additional evidence you want us to consider, giving your reasons.

Send your request to us below.

Benefits section
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL

: [email protected]

Once we have reconsidered our decision, we will send you the details in writing. We may change our decision or it may stay the same.

If you still disagree

If we don't change our decision, or if we change it but you still think it is wrong, you can either:

  • ask us to reconsider the decision again
  • request an appeal

For information on appeals, go to: