Environmental impact assessments
Environmental impact assessments form part of the outline planning application.
When starting to look at how the proposed development would be likely to affect the environment, Purfleet Centre Regeneration Ltd (PCRL) consulted with the local community and other interested parties, including a community design panel.
They held meetings with:
- Buglife
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
- Environment Agency
- Port of London Authority
- Thurrock Council
- National Highways (formerly 'Highways England')
- Network Rail
- c2c
Following this work, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) was carried out for each of the following topics:
- transport and access
- air quality
- noise and vibration
- ecology
- water resources, flood risk and drainage
- ground conditions and contamination
- archaeology and built heritage
- socio-economics
- wind microclimate
- daylight, sunlight and overshadowing
- landscape and visual impact assessment
- cumulative assessment
There is a chapter for each topic in the environment statement that forms part of the outline planning application. Chapters include:
- a description of current environmental conditions
- major impacts that could be expected during the works
- major impacts that could be expected after completion
- what can be done to avoid, reduce or offset any major negative impact
Human health, accidents, disasters and climate – for example, greenhouse gas emissions – have been considered.
Read the full application and supporting documents, including the environmental impact assessments.