Cabinet and committees
The cabinet is responsible for most day-to-day decisions. We publish all major decisions in the forward plan at least 28 days before they are considered.
The cabinet must make decisions in line with the council's policies and budget. If it makes a decision outside the budget or policy framework, this must be referred to the full council to decide.
You can find more about cabinet members and how the cabinet works in chapter 3 of our constitution.
Committees of the council
Councillors have been appointed to:
- Planning Committee
- Licensing Committee and a licensing Sub-committee
- General Services Committee
- Standards Committee
- Audit Committee
- Corporate Parenting Committee
- Health and Wellbeing Board
Our committees can take decisions without needing further approval, unless they involve changes to the budget or key policies the council has agreed.
Find the terms of reference of each committee in chapter 5 of our constitution.
The council also sets up overview and scrutiny committees, to advise and support the cabinet.