Lunch clubs
Lunch clubs are groups that meet daily or weekly for a hot meal. They are usually run by volunteers.
They offer a chance to:
- get out of your home
- meet friends and make new friends
- enjoy a hot meal cooked by someone else
Lunch clubs are usually open for just a few hours each day, though some remain open for the afternoon, offering hot and cold drinks.
All members of the community are welcome. Clubs try hard to cater for everybody's different dietary and cultural needs.
Finding a luncheon club
Your Local Area Coordinator can put you in touch with clubs near you and give advice on how best to get there. Public transport can help you travel around Thurrock.
Lunch clubs do not try to make a profit. Most will ask for or charge a small contribution to cover the cost of your meal, and often a small amount for coffee or tea.
They may also hold raffles to help out with the cost of special events during the year.