Freedom of information response

Work Base

Publication date: 
Tuesday 5 November 2024

How many people does Thurrock Council employ - full and part time?

How many of those staff work from home?

How many of those staff are unable to work from home due to the nature of their job?


How many people does Thurrock Council employ - full and part time?

2426 employees of which 660 employees are part time.

How many of those staff work from home?

All staff are contracted to work from our offices however we do operate a flexible working policy that allows staff to work flexibly from home , each team have their own Team Charters which sets expectations of how many days in the office they work.

How many of those staff are unable to work from home due to the nature of their job?

We do not hold this information centrally, however all frontline roles are unable to work from home.

Request reference:
FOI 14395