Freedom of information response

Transport Schemes

Publication date: 
Monday 2 September 2024

1)    What was the last 3 years budget for transport related schemes, broken down by year?
2)    What contractors/ software (including speed, O/D surveys, traffic count, vehicle type) are/ is used to analyse the road network before a potential scheme is added to the programme?
2.1) What is the annual cost for these, listed individually?
3)    How many scheme were completed in the last 3 annual programmes, broken down by year?
4)    Please could you confirm the number of staff within the team?
5)    Please could you confirm the cumulative annual wage for the team?


1.  What was the last 3 years budget for transport related schemes, broken down by year?

Please see attached

2)  What contractors/ software (including speed, O/D surveys, traffic count, vehicle type) are/ is used to analyse the road network before a potential scheme is added to the programme?

CRASH Police Accident Database

Automated traffic surveys undertaken by various external Survey companies to determine vehicle flows/categories and speed for the site

2.1) What is the annual cost for these, listed individually?

CRASH database

Speed surveys – these vary as it depends on the demand and annual costs not recorded as either aligned to specified scheme budget or done annually as part of a monitoring programme.

3)   How many scheme were completed in the last 3 annual programmes, broken down by year?

21/22 = 6

22/23 = 3

23/24 = 11

4)       Please could you confirm the number of staff within the team?

Start 21/22 = 5

Start 22/23 = 4

Start 23/24 =10

5)       Please could you confirm the cumulative annual wage for the team?

Financial Year

£ Staffing Costs







Cumulative staffing costs


Request reference:
FOI 14185