Freedom of information response
Pothole Data
As a freedom of information request please could you provide, for each financial year from 2019-20 to 2023-24:
• the name of contractors/companies you have contracts with to undertake pothole repair work.
• the value of the contract between you and each above contractor/company over last three years for pothole repair work, broken down by year.
• the number of instances where each contractor has repaired a pothole, or had a subcontractor repair a pothole
• the number of instances when you required above referenced contractors to remediate poor pothole repair work carried out by their contractors in the past three years.
• the amount of money you has claimed back from each above contractor/company over the last three years because of pothole remediation/poor quality repair work, broken down by year.
• the number of instances where above referenced contractors/companies have had to repair their own pothole repair work (or pothole repair work undertaken by another contractor/company ) within six months of the date of carrying out the original pothole repair work, for the past three years, broken down by year.
Please confirm receipt of this request. If you do not have data for the period requested, please provide it from the earliest available financial year to the most current available at the point of production. If financial year is not available, please provide calendar years instead.
• Inhouse Reactive Maintenance Team.
• Inhouse so no Contract
• N/A
• N/A
• N/A
• N/A