Freedom of information response
Planned Consultations/Staff Redundancies
1. Confirm the planned consultation end dates along with the planned dates for issuing redundancy notices to staff, that are set out in any future/on-going/planned service area business cases (where redundancies are in scope)
2 Confirm the length of the formal consultation period (e.g 45 days or 30 days) for all future/on-going/planned service area business cases that will be taking place.
Can you include this new information to your attached response please for FOI 14431
• How many requests have been received from AFFECTED staff (or ex-members of staff) AND/OR THEIR UNION REPRESENTATIVE to extend the consultation period?
• Of the above, how many requests were accepted and how many were refused?
Please see attached.
We are unable to comment on potential restructures which have not yet been through the sign off process.