Freedom of information response

Oracle Cloud

Publication date: 
Tuesday 28 May 2024

1- Do you currently engage with an external vendor for managed support services on Oracle Cloud? If yes, could you please specify the name of the vendor?

2- When is the renewal date for the third-party managed support service contract for Oracle Cloud?

3- Could you provide the name of the Oracle Cloud ERP Support Manager responsible for overseeing support of Oracle Cloud platform services in your organization?


1- Do you currently engage with an external vendor for managed support services on Oracle Cloud? If yes, could you please specify the name of the vendor? – Yes, Mastek Systems Company Ltd

2- When is the renewal date for the third-party managed support service contract for Oracle Cloud? – July 2024

3- Could you provide the name of the Oracle Cloud ERP Support Manager responsible for overseeing support of Oracle Cloud platform services in your organization? – Head of Digital and ICT

Unfortunately we are unable to provide in full the information you have requested.  We do hold the information but an absolute exemption applies.  Personal Information (Section 40,2) 

Personal data of any other person (third party data) is exempt under section 40(2) if disclosure would breach one of the data protection principles. This aspect of Section 40 is an Absolute Exemption and is therefore not subject to the Public Interest Test. 

Request reference:
FOI 13836