Freedom of information response
Home Care Providers
- This request regards homecare providers who want contracts/tenders with the council.
(by "homecare" I mean care in the service user's own home - not care homes)
- Some councils mandate certain systems (such as CM2000). Is this something that you mandate for homecare providers?
- If so, what function do you require that system to be used for? (eg rostering, financing, invoicing, call monitoring, medication etc)
- Or may a provider use any system they want?
It is not a pre-requisite of securing a contract with Thurrock to have an electronic monitoring system for home care in place. This is to ensure that we do not have any unnecessary barriers for small and medium enterprises (SME’s) to enter the market locally. However, should a provider secure a contract with Thurrock, there is an expectation that they will operate an electronic monitoring system that can collect core activity data specified by us e.g. missed calls, call duration etc. Should someone introduce an electronic system or transfer systems during their contract with Thurrock we ask that choose a supplier form the department of health assured supplier list.