Freedom of information response
First Homes Scheme in Thurrock
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the UK Government's First Homes scheme, which is currently operating in England. The First Homes scheme aims to provide affordable housing for local first-time buyers and key workers by offering homes at a discount of at least 30% compared to the market price.
In particular, I am seeking details related to the implementation of the First Homes scheme within the jurisdiction of Thurrock Council. Specifically, I am interested in the following:
• Local authority requirements under the First Homes scheme in Thurrock.
• Any past developments in Thurrock that have offered homes under the First Homes scheme, including details of the number of homes provided and their locations.
• Information on current developments in Thurrock that are operating the First Homes scheme, including the number of homes available and their locations.
• Details of any developments in Thurrock that are planned to offer the First Homes scheme in the future, including timelines for opening for applications and the expected number of homes to be provided.
I believe that access to this information is essential for promoting transparency and accountability in housing policies and ensuring that residents are informed about the availability of affordable housing options in the area.
At this time no First Homes have come forward as part of determined planning applications and we are not aware of any developers looking to promote these in the near future. (Whether Developers are promoting First Homes to customers outside of the formal planning process we would not be aware).
In terms of future provision the Council is presently working on a new Local Plan. The requirements for First Homes (and any other type of non-standard provision) will be determined through the new Local Plan process. Any requests from developers to deliver First Homes as part of their affordable housing requirement will be considered in line with national policy.