Freedom of information response

Deprivation of Liberty Orders

Publication date: 
Friday 30 August 2024

On the 22 May 2024 the BBC published an article relating to the stories of young people who had been subject to Deprivation of Liberty Orders: 18s%20in%20England%20have%20risen&text=Experts%20say%20the%20use%20of,to%2023%20in%20the%20f

This request is to seek statistical information on Thurrock Council's use of Deprivation of Liberty Orders in the course of it discharging its corporate parenting responsibilities.

Can you provide data and/or numbers and/or statistics, for the period of the start of the 2019 calendar year to the

present day:

- The number of Deprivation of Liberty Orders that Thurrock Council applied to the Family Courts for, and

deriving from that:

-- The number of approved applications

-- The number of refused applications

-- The number of withdrawn applications

For the number of approved applications, can you provide data and/or numbers and/or statistics on:

- The average time length of use of a Deprivation of Liberty Order, as well as providing the shortest time and the

longest time

- The average age of the subject of the Deprivation of Liberty Order, as well as providing the youngest age and

the oldest age

- The gender ratio of all subjects of Deprivation of Liberty Orders, expressed as a percentage

If the request is too large, I am willing to be consulted on what can be omitted or reducing the time frame. If this data is not kept by Thurrock Council, could you please provide a reason as to why this data is not captured as part of Thurrock Council's governance and monitoring regime.

  1. The number of Deprivation of Liberty Orders that Thurrock Council applied to the Family Courts for

From 2021, 30 DOLS cases were applied for.

(The cases relate to one child but there may have been several applications with a number of Deprivation of Liberty orders made.)

  1. The number of approved applications

Of the 30 DOLS cases, 29 were approved.

  1. The number of refused applications


  1. The number of withdrawn applications


For the number of approved applications, can you provide data and/or numbers and/or statistics on:

  1. The average time length of use of a Deprivation of Liberty Order, as well as providing the shortest time and the longest time

Of the number of cases approved, the average length of time (from Date Order Made to Date Order Expires) was 302.5 days.

The shortest time was 14 days

The longest time was 834 days

  1. The average age of the subject of the Deprivation of Liberty Order, as well as providing the youngest age and the oldest age

As at the Date Order Made, the average age was 14.6

The youngest age was 11

The oldest age was 17

  1. The gender ratio of all subjects of Deprivation of Liberty Orders, expressed as a percentage

Of the subjects for which applications were made (30), 19 were male (63.3%) and 11 were female (36.7%). 

Request reference:
FOI 14168