Freedom of information response

Cost of Processing Freedom of Information

Publication date: 
Thursday 6 June 2024

For the last 3 tax year's (23/22, 22/21, 21/20) please provide the total cost of: 
• Total number of staff hired with responsibility for freedom of information requests, (full time equivalent) .
• Total salary costs for staff with responsibility for freedom of information requests.
• Total for all other costs associated with handling freedom of information requests.
• Total number of freedom of information requests received, and total number responded with the requested information.


For the last 3 tax year's (23/22, 22/21, 21/20) please provide the total cost of:

• Total number of staff hired with responsibility for freedom of information requests, (full time equivalent) .

4.4 FTE, however these individuals also work on a range of other Information Governance work areas.

• Total salary costs for staff with responsibility for freedom of information requests.

The staff work on a range of other Information Governance work areas over and above FOI.

• Total for all other costs associated with handling freedom of information requests.


• Total number of freedom of information requests received, and total number responded with the requested information.

This information is publicly available online using the following links –

Performance | Freedom of information requests | Thurrock Council

Search results for information governance report | Thurrock Council

Request reference:
FOI 13886