Freedom of information response


Publication date: 
Tuesday 17 September 2024

How much did Thurrock Council spend in total on advertising in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023?

For each of these years, please provide a full percentage breakdown of all the platforms used for Thurrock Council advertising including:

1.    Regional and local UK news brand publishers 
(a) in print 
(b) online
2.    Google
3.    Facebook  
4.    Other major online platforms e.g. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tik Tok


Thurrock Council keeps accounts of spending on Promotions and publicity but does not keep specific information on advertising. This budget covers all spending carried as part of council campaigns and wide communication with residents. It includes spending on materials, printing, production, online advertising, print advertising and any materials as required for campaigns. As online or print advertising is not a core part of all campaign work it is sourced when research suggests that the audience are more likely to engage through those channels, there is not a separate line for advertising specifically.

Therefore it would take more than 18 hours to go through five years’ worth of Promotions and Publicity spend to identify what specifically was spent on advertising and what medium was used.

Please note, the below table includes the overall Promotion and Publicity budgets from 2019 – 2023.


Promotions Publicity Budget










£ 12,806.52

Request reference:
FOI 14257