Freedom of information response

Adult Cycling Courses

Publication date: 
Thursday 27 June 2024

This is an information request relating to Adult cycling courses.

Please include the following information for the financial years 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24:

  • How many adult training sessions took place in each year
  • How many people attended each session
  • What was the cost to put on each course including but not limited to the administration cost, instructor cost and equipment cost
  • How many total bikes have been purchased
  • How many people didn’t attend lessons they signed up to
  • Have there been any bikes stolen, or written off due to damage
    • If yes, what was the value of the bikes
    • How much did it cost to replace 

This is an information request relating to Adult cycling courses.

Please include the following information for the financial years 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24:

How many adult training sessions took place in each year

2021/22 – 4 sessions

2022/23 – 2 sessions

2023/24-5 sessions


How many people attended each session


3 riders took part in Bikeability learn to ride ; 1 rider took part in Bikeability level 2.


5 riders took part in Bikeability level 3.


4 riders took part in Bikeability learn to ride; 1 rider took part in Bikeability level 2.


What was the cost to put on each course including but not limited to the administration cost, instructor cost and equipment cost      

        Below information is based on 2023/24 pay scale. Bikeability learn to ride £27.75 plus mileage at 0.45p a mile. This is for an hour’s training.

        Bikeability level 2 and 3 cost £44.65 plus mileage at .045p a mile. This is for 2 hours training for each level.

How many people didn’t attend lessons they signed up to

Due to most sessions being one to one all riders turned up for training.

  • How many total bikes have been purchased

Zero bikes were either loaned from the Forward Motions cycling hub or riders used their own bikes.

  • Have there been any bikes stolen, or written off due to damage - None
    1. If yes, what was the value of the bikes
    2. How much did it cost to replace
Request reference:
FOI 13927