Planning pre-application advice

Major developments

There is a charge for pre-application planning advice on major developments – go to apply for pre-application advice for details of charges and the time within which we will provide advice.

Specialist officer attendance can be arranged, where necessary.

Your payment should be made with your request for advice. The payment must have cleared before we meet with you or provide a written response.

The following are major developments for which we charge to give advice:

  • commercial developments above 1,000 square metres floor space or a site area of 1 hectare or more
  • changes of use of buildings above 1,000 square metres floor space or a site area of 1 hectare or more
  • residential developments of 10 or more dwellings or a site area of 0.5 hectare or more
  • Gypsy and traveller sites above 1,000 square metres or a site area of 1 hectare or more

You will need to provide us with enough information about the site and your scheme to be clear about what you propose and to help us decide who else will be consulted. This will normally include:

  • a description and summary of the proposals
  • a site location plan at a scale of 1:1250
  • photographs and drawings showing the site, including buildings and trees, at a scale of 1:200, and proposals
  • details of the nature of the business, including parking arrangements, numbers of people employed and vehicle movements where changes of use are proposed
  • a daytime phone number or email address

If more information is needed we will let you know so that you can send it to us before we start work.

Issues we will consider include:

  • the planning history of the site
  • if there are any constraints on the site, for example is the building listed, or is the development site in a conservation area, or is there a flood risk, or are there any protected trees, or are there any national or local designations.
  • government advice
  • relevant development plan policies
  • the design, including sustainable construction and energy issues
  • impact on amenity
  • possible obligations on you as a developer, such as the provision of infrastructure, affordable housing or contributions to service provision
  • necessary practical measures, for example dealing with possible contamination
  • process or timetable issues

Strategic Development

Large scale strategic developments may require a number of meetings and the provision of extensive information. In these circumstances we will negotiate a planning performance agreement that will set out fees and other arrangements as necessary. Please email us to discuss.

All significant development proposals must be assessed by our Design Review panel.

Development Management

: [email protected]