Review meetings
Review meetings are very important. They are about you and your time in care. Review meeting are to check that your care plan is still right for you and to change it, if necessary.
You will have your first meeting when you have been looked after for one month. You can go to these meetings and make comments if you want. Your social worker will explain to you what the review meeting is going to be about and tell you who else will be there and why.
We only invite a small group of people – for example, your parent or relative, foster carer, key worker, or teacher. You can invite whoever you would like to be there. Let your social worker know.
The person who organises the meeting is called an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) and it is their job to make sure they know everything about your situation and what has happened so far. This is to make sure any decisions made are right for your needs and the best plans are made for your future.
If English is not your first language, you can have an interpreter present throughout the review.
Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)
The Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) will want to know:
- what happened that led to you being looked after
- what has happened since your last review
They will ask if you would like to talk with them before the meeting to hear your views about your situation and if there's anything you would like to get changed or arranged at the review.
If you cannot make the review or don't want to attend, let your social worker know. The IRO can then arrange to see you where you live, or at the council's offices if you like.
IROs need to make sure decisions made at your review are right for you and that good plans are made for your future. You will have another review in about 3 months and at that meeting we will look at your care plan again.
Changes may be made to make sure your care plan is up to date and still right for your needs. After that we will have review meetings every 6 months for as long as you are looked after.
Where reviews are held
Although reviews are normally held where you live, they should be held at a place where you feel comfortable. You should be asked where you would like the review to be held.
When reviews take place
The time and date should suit you. You should ask for a review to be held after school.
You don't have to go to the meeting but it is best for you if you do go. The meeting is about you and your future. You should be there so that you can say what you want to happen.
It may help you to write your views down in a leaflet that your social worker or carer will give to you. You can choose someone to help you with this.