Freedom of information response
Planning Applications
My request is as follows.
1. How many planning applications have you received since (and including) 2 April 2024?
2. Of those applications, how many have been validated?
3. (a) Of the validated applications, how many have claimed exemption from mandatory biodiversity net gain?
(b) Of those claiming exemptions, how many have relied on each exemption:
(i) Householder application
(ii) Self build or custom build application
(iii) Application for a biodiversity gain site
(iv) HS2-related application
(v) 'De minimis' exemption where less than 25sqm of area habitat, 5m of hedgerow, 5m of watercourse and no priority habitat are affected
(c) Of those claiming the de minimis exemption, how many have set out what habitats are within the red line boundary for the application?
4. Of the validated applications not claiming exemption from mandatory biodiversity net gain (i.e. answer to Q2 minus answer to Q3(a)):
(a) how many have been granted permission?
(b) of those granted permission under Q4(a), how many have submitted a biodiversity gain plan?
(c) of those submitting a biodiversity gain plan under Q4(b), how many have had it approved?
My request is as follows.
1. How many planning applications have you received since (and including) 2 April 2024? 329
2. Of those applications, how many have been validated? 329
3. (a) Of the validated applications, how many have claimed exemption from mandatory biodiversity net gain? This information is publicly available and can be checked on the Council’s website under planning application searches and using ‘advanced’ tool and using validation date check. The 329 planning application forms can be checked for this information.
(b) Of those claiming exemptions, how many have relied on each exemption: as above
(i) Householder application as above
(ii) Self build or custom build application as above, but 2 identified (ref. 24/00681/FUL and 24/00385/FUL)
(iii) Application for a biodiversity gain site as above, but 2 identified (re. 24/00492/FUL and 24/00479/FUL)
(iv) HS2-related application as above
(v) 'De minimis' exemption where less than 25sqm of area habitat, 5m of hedgerow, 5m of watercourse and no priority habitat are affected as above
(c) Of those claiming the de minimis exemption, how many have set out what habitats are within the red line boundary for the application? As above
4. Of the validated applications not claiming exemption from mandatory biodiversity net gain (i.e. answer to Q2 minus answer to Q3(a)):
(a) how many have been granted permission? None, 2 awaiting decisions (ref. 24/00492/FUL & 24/00479/FUL)
(b) of those granted permission under Q4(a), how many have submitted a biodiversity gain plan? 0
(c) of those submitting a biodiversity gain plan under Q4(b), how many have had it approved? 0