Freedom of information response

Green space, public parks, playgrounds and other outdoor leisure spaces

Publication date: 
Tuesday 21 May 2024

I would like to request the (a) number of, and, where possible (b) the square metres of green space, public parks, playgrounds or any other outdoor leisure space operated by the council in each of the past 5 years (2019 to 2024, up to and inclusive of 16 February 2024).


There is a total of over 1,387 hectares of open space in Thurrock. The largest contributors to provision are natural and semi-natural greenspace (1,064 hectares) and amenity greenspace (194 hectares); accounting for 77% and 14% respectively.

Open space typology Number of sites Total amount (hectares, rounded to the nearest whole number)
Allotments 26 29
Amenity greenspace 104 194
Cemeteries/churchyards 11 20
Civic space 5 3
Natural and semi-natural greenspace 38 1,064
Park and gardens 24 68
Provision for children and young people 96 8
Total 304 1,387

The areas within the council control (purple text) has not reduced in the time period of the enquiry, the past 5 years (2019 to 2024, up to and inclusive of 16 February 2024).

The council does not manage the leisure service, this is managed by Impulse Leisure.

Some of the Amenity greenspace and other greenspaces are managed by farmers, golf courses, woodland trust, forestry commission and other parties. We do not hold the data on their land for the specific period requested.

The data for the spaces not within the council control was collected in November 2020 and is accurate as of that date.

Request reference:
FOI 13819